Release Sex Tape in Best Quality
Now you can see Sex Tape in high definition format with duration 97 Min and was published in 2014-07-18 with MPAA rating is 636.- Original Title : Sex Tape
- Movie title in your country : Sex Tape
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-07-18
- Companies of movie : Escape Artists, Media Rights Capital, Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE), LStar Capital,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 97 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.6
- Youtube ID of movie : sxl4aOyHSwo
- Translation of movie : NL,EN,IT,RU,ES,FR,BG,ZH,DE,HE,DA,HU,EL,PL,PT,FI,TR,CS,SK,UK,SV,RO,KO,
- Cast of movie :Cameron Diaz (Annie), Jason Segel (Jay), Rob Corddry (Robby), Ellie Kemper (Tess), Rob Lowe (Hank), Nat Faxon (Max), Nancy Lenehan (Linda), Giselle Eisenberg (Nell), Harrison Holzer (Howard), Sebastian Hedges Thomas (Clive), Timothy Brennen (Walt), Krisztina Koltai (Marta), Randall Park (Edward), Jack Black (YouPorn Owner), Joe Stapleton (Piper Bros. Executive), James Wilcox (Charlie Newhouse (Radio DJ)), Jolene Blalock (Catalina), Melissa Paulo (Rosie), Erin Brehm (Beth), Kumail Nanjiani (Punit), Artemis Pebdani (Kia), Melvin Brown (Bodyguard), Osmani Rodriguez (Principal Rodriguez), Samil Battenfeld (Helper), Dave Allen (Mailman), Celeste Oliva (Doctor), Alexis Rosasco (Parent)
Movie synopsis of Sex Tape :
Best Sex Tape in High Definition Format with movie summary "When Jay and Annie first got together, their romantic connection was intense – but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide – why not? – to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea – until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know they’re just one click away from being laid bare to the world... but as their race to reclaim their video leads to a night they'll never forget, they'll find that their video will expose even more than they bargained for." in top video format. Download full Sex Tape in HD Format by push of the download link.
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Director : Jake Kasdan, Writer : Kate Angelo, Screenplay : Jason Segel, Screenplay : Nicholas Stoller
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Tags: marriage, comedy, internet, family, sex tape, relationships,
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