Free Streaming Muppets Most Wanted in Best Quality
Now you can see Muppets Most Wanted in HD video with duration 112 Min and has been aired on 2014-03-20 and MPAA rating is 146.- Original Title : Muppets Most Wanted
- Movie title in your country : Muppets Most Wanted
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Adventure, Crime, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-03-20
- Companies of movie : Buena Vista, Disney,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, English,
- Durationof movie : 112 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : Vcw2Aje5KU0
- Translation of movie : EN,ZH,ES,RU,EL,DE,HE,TR,PT,PL,NL,SV,FR,DA,IT,CS,HU,
- Actors of movie :Ricky Gervais (Dominic), Ty Burrell (Jean Pierre Napoleon), Tina Fey (Nadya), Steve Whitmire (Kermit / Beaker / Statler / Rizzo / Newsman / Foo-Foo (voice)), Eric Jacobson (Miss Piggy / Fozzie Bear / Animal / Sam Eagle (voice)), Dave Goelz (Gonzo / Dr. Bunsen Honeydew / Zoot / Beauregard / Waldorf (voice)), Bill Barretta (Swedish Chef / Rowlf / Dr. Teeth / Pepe the Prawn / Bobo (voice)), Matt Vogel (Sgt. Floyd Pepper / Camilla / Sweetums / Lew Zealand / Crazy Harry (voice)), Peter Linz (Walter (voice)), Tom Hiddleston (Great Escapo), Salma Hayek (), Ray Liotta (), Kenneth Collard (The Berliner), Pamela Betsy Cooper (German Lady in the Audience), James Pasierbowicz (Joe), Richard Herdman (Commuter), David Rudman (Scooter / Janice (voice)), Luke Howard (Spanish Train Porter), Pete Meads (German Audience Member), Ricky Rajpal (Audience Member), Danny Trejo (), Stanley Tucci (), Jemaine Clement (Prison King), Zach Galifianakis (Hobo Joe), Tom Hollander (Theater Manager), Toby Jones (), Frank Langella (Beefeater Vicar), James McAvoy (UPS Guy), Chloƫ Grace Moretz (Newspaper Girl), Miranda Richardson (Berliner at Window), Saoirse Ronan (Herself), Til Schweiger (German Cop), Russell Tovey (Delivery Man), Christoph Waltz (Himself), Christoph Waltz (Christopher Waltz), Hugh Bonneville (Irish Journalist), Mackenzie Crook (Prado Museum Guard #1)
Movie summary of Muppets Most Wanted :
Play full Muppets Most Wanted in Best Look with movie plot "While on a grand world tour, The Muppets find themselves wrapped into an European jewel-heist caper headed by a Kermit the Frog look-alike and his dastardly sidekick." in top video format. Play full Muppets Most Wanted in HD Video by clicking the download link.
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Director : James Bobin, Screenplay : Nicholas Stoller, Screenplay : James Bobin, Music : Bret McKenzie, Executive Producer : Nicholas Stoller, Producer : David Hoberman, Producer : Todd Lieberman
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Tags: musical, the muppets,
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