Free Streaming The Hundred-Foot Journey in Top Quality
Now you can see The Hundred-Foot Journey in high quality with duration 122 Min and has been aired on 2014-08-08 and MPAA rating is 187.- Original Title : The Hundred-Foot Journey
- Movie title in your country : The Hundred-Foot Journey
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-08-08
- Companies of movie : Amblin Entertainment, Harpo Films, Participant Media, Imagenation Abu Dhabi FZ, Reliance Entertainment, Touchstone Pictures, DreamWorks Studios,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : हिन्दी, English, Français,
- Durationof movie : 122 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.3
- Youtube ID of movie : yEO1TWeM5JU
- Translation of movie : PT,EN,ES,DE,IT,FR,DA,RU,ZH,EL,HE,HU,NL,HR,SV,CS,UK,FI,RO,PL,TR,
- Actors of movie :Helen Mirren (Madam Mallory), Manish Dayal (Hassan), Om Puri (Papa), Charlotte Le Bon (Marguerite), Rohan Chand (Young Hassan), Juhi Chawla (Mama), Farzana Dua Elahe (Mahira), Dillon Mitra (Mukthar Kadam), Jean Kinsell (French Critic), Amit Shah (Mansur), Aria Pandya (Aisha), Michel Blanc (Mayor), Clément Sibony (Jean-Pierre), Vincent Elbaz (Paul), Alban Aumard (Marcel), Shuna Lemoine (Mayor's Wife), Antoine Blanquefort (Thomas), Malcolm Granath (Swedish Chef), Abhijit Buddhisagar (Baleine Grise Porter), Masood Akhtar (Anwar), Arthur Mazet (Waiter), Laetitia de Fombelle (Female Officer), Cédric Weber (Officer), Piero Filippi (Dog Walker), Robert Gailhard (Mushroom Stall Holder), Matyelok Gibbs (Lady Shepherd), Paul Daubeze (Poultry Man), Didier Joy (Monsieur Itan), Max Rangotte (Angry Man), Saachi Parekh (Young Aisha), Shaunak Parekh (Young Mukhtar), Stéphanie Renouvin (Newsreader), Audrey Meschi (Baleine Grise Cook), Christian Allieres (Cafe Server), Patrick Blatger (Mechanic), Frederic Violante (Bike Rider), Chantal Filippi (Dog Walker's Wife), Sanjay Sharma (Mob Leader), Morgan Perez (Guard)
Movie summary of The Hundred-Foot Journey :
Best The Hundred-Foot Journey in Top Quality with movie plot "A story centered around an Indian family who moves to France and opens a restaurant across the street from a Michelin-starred French restaurant." in HD video. Full The Hundred-Foot Journey in HD Video by push of the download link.
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Director : Lasse Hallström, Screenplay : Steven Knight, Author : Richard C. Morais
Yes, now you can watch movie associated with The Hundred-Foot Journey completely length and get the connect to this film The Hundred-Foot Journey in high definition format.
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